If you want to open the software company simply easly we are giving good data about the company. Which We will tell you ., ,, So We will seen you about company data. No. of Members and Legal Status and Liabilities 1. One Person Company (OPC) - One men company with limited liability 2. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) - Min 2 and max any no. of partners Separate entity Limited liability to partner upto their investment 3. Private Limited (PL) - Min 2 and max 200 board memebrs of directors Separate entity Limited liability to directors upto their investment 4. Partnership (P) - min 2 and max 20 partners Not a separate entity Partners will be liable Proprietorship (P) - just one member , not a separate entity , proprietor will be solo liable Thank you for reading content Existence OPC - Company servive after death of director ,share can be transfer to nominee . Can be dissolve by director. LLP - Share can be transfer to nominee, can be dissolve after mutual c...